Google Custom Search Engine for #PLENK2010

At Tony Hirst’s suggestion (see comments to previous post), I followed Alan Levine’s instructions and created a custom google search engine derived from Stephen Downes ‘feed of feeds’ OPML file. It took a couple of attempts as it’s not clear on the Google Custom Search Engine creation page just what you have to do, and the order you have to do it, but with Alan’s post and a bit of perseverance I worked it out....

September 16, 2010 · 1 min

Aggregator/Publisher for #PLENK2010

I have started putting together a personal learning environment for the Massively Open Online Course PLENK2010. Taking my inspiration from mashup-meister Tony Hirst, I have created an Aggregator using Yahoo! Pipes. This takes the OPML file ( from the PLENK2010 Participants Feeds page, feeds it through a filter to extract posts with #PLENK2010 in the body or title, and produces a simple feed reader. The output of this can be obtained in various formats including iGoogle feed reader gadget, Google Reader, netvibes widget, JSON and RSS....

September 15, 2010 · 2 min

Starting with PLENK 2010

Today a Massively open Online Course (MOOC) on Personal Learning Environments, Networks and Knowledge (PLENK2010) is starting. The course is being facilitated by George Siemens, Stephen Downes, our own Rita Kop and Dave Cormier and is being used in various was to research PLEs and their effectiveness. Personally, I am hoping to learn more about Personal Learning Environments and Personal Learning Networks (aren’t they the same thing?); how I might exploit them in my own personal learning; and how I might adopt the ideas in my teaching....

September 13, 2010 · 2 min

Larkin with Toads: A Personal Journey

Philip Larkin was the Librarian at the University of Hull and while I was a student there, I think I actually saw him once, striding imperiously through the Brynmor Jones Library. He was also a famous poet who died in 1985 and the City of Hull is celebrating the 25th anniversary of his death with a number of special events. One of the more bizarre events is Larkin with Toads, the temporary invasion of 40 giant fibre-glass toads, a public art installation which celebrates Larkin’s poems of working life ‘Toads’ and ‘Toads Revisited’ (See Wikipedia article)....

September 12, 2010 · 2 min

Gower Macmarathon 2010: Story of the Day

Personal success but failure for mobile technology! 8.27 (BST 7.27 GMT): On the Bus at Bracelet Bay, Mumbles. First trip report filed with #### Stage One: Rhossilli to Port Eynon, 7 Miles 09.22: Rhossilli, at the start of the walk, I filed my second report filed on There was no reception for quite a while! The first stage of the walk, the coastal path between Rhossilli and Port Eynon is a distance of seven miles....

September 12, 2010 · 4 min