Lookback at 2010: Tool of the Year

In the media, as the shortest day approaches and with it the end of the old year, it’s traditional to look back. Here is the first of my retrospectives on 2010. My tool of the year is Pearltrees (http://www.pearltrees.com), which I discovered during PLENK2010. I’ve used this as both a curation tool (see my Plenk2010 collection) and as an exploratory learning object builder but it also has a social network discovery and connection building capability and recently added a group/team curation feature....

December 10, 2010 · 2 min

To Lurk or Not to Lurk, That is the Question

There’s an interesting debate forming around this post from George Siemens (My Personal Learning Network is the most awesomest thing ever!!) and a response from Jenny Mackness (In defence of lurking). George’s stance is that you can’t really learn in a community unless you are contributing something, Jenny’s that it’s OK to observe and not contribute. There are lot’s of other interesting points of view expressed in the comments. To me, I feel I got more out of PLENK2010 by being an active contributor, although in the end I wasn’t sure if I’d learned that much....

December 6, 2010 · 1 min


Stump Originally uploaded by Chris P Jobling Winter has come early this year. No snow yet in Swansea, but cold enough for frost. For more see Frost on Flickr, and listen to Dylan reading his poem A Winter’s Tail (curated by Poetictouch.com), which seems quite appropriate.

December 6, 2010 · 1 min

elearnspace › Will online lectures destroy universities?

Via OLdaily, November 2010. See this Amp at http://bit.ly/hj1COx

December 1, 2010 · 1 min

Diaspora: one network to rule them all? Or one too many?

Alan Cann today announced the availability of the alpha release of the new distributed social network Diaspora. It’s seems to be available without the need for invitations and you can get an account by registering at http://diasp.org. Once registered, you’ll have a handle: mine is cpjobling@diasp.org. One unique selling point (USP) is that Diaspora has ways of organizing your various networks around aspects of your social networks. In my case, as well as the default Work and Family aspects, I’ve created an aspect for PLENK2010 and e-Learning folks....

November 30, 2010 · 2 min