Ning Reunited

I’ve just joined the Evaluation of Learners’ Experiences of e-learning Special Interest Group (ELESIG) which is based around a Ning site ( After Chris Hall and David Williams launched a Gwella group, I’ve noticed an increase in activity and the community that is developing looks to be quite exciting. Was I wrong to reject Ning when they removed free access? Should we have stuck with Ning for SALT and the Learning Lab?...

January 12, 2011 · 1 min

For One Week Only: King James Bible

2011 apparently marks the 400th anniversary of the publication of the King James Bible. To mark the occasion, the BBC made a bit of a splash last week with a sequence of three forty-five minute documentaries fronted by James Naughtie on the commissioning, translation and legacy of the bible. These were followed by 7 hours of readings from the King James Bible made by the great and the good of the acting professions and introduced by well-known luminaries of literature and history....

January 11, 2011 · 1 min


Just read Stephen Downes’ article on the Huffington Post that announces that registration for Connectivsm and Connective Knowledge 2011 (cck11) — starting 17th January — is open. I definitely won’t have the personal resource to do much there, but it’ll be interesting nonetheless.

January 7, 2011 · 1 min

Time for a new MOOC?

Jim Groom is getting ready to launch another massive open online course (MOOC). Tony Hirst, who drew my attention to Jim’s course Digital Storytelling ( with this post: Massive Open Online Courses all you need to know, has curated a few videos from PLENK2010 facilitator Dave Cormier on the philosophy of a MOOC. I’ve signed up for Digital Storytelling, but I expect my role to be more as a lurker than turned out to be the case on PLENK....

December 15, 2010 · 1 min

Things to Do

Next year I’ve got a fairly busy schedule. Here are some things that I might be blogging about. I record them here as an aide memoir: Large group assessment The “Flip” Socratic questioning Peer Instruction, Assessment and Support LiveScribe Echo Social networks Student employability and entrepreneurship. Technically, I expect to be playing with Drupal, WordPress, BuddyPress, Moodle and Elgg and maybe, if there’s time, Ruby on Rails 3. I might submit something (probably a poster) to ALT-C 2011....

December 15, 2010 · 1 min