BYOD4L is back next week

Readers may be interested in joining me in participating in #BYOD4L again next week 11-15 January 2016. I hope to be participating both as member of the Google+ community, on Twitter (Hashtag #BYOD4L) and as a mentor. See BYOD4L is Back Next Week for the announcement and joining instructions.

January 6, 2016 · 1 min

Responses to #FLble1

I have just joined the newly launched FutureLearn online course on Blended Learning Essentials. Any posts related this course will be posted on my work blog under category #FLble1.

November 3, 2015 · 1 min

New Domain Established

I have just established a new home page on The site itself is generated by Jekyll and I’m using Octopress 3.0 for the content.

December 9, 2014 · 1 min

What's new?

You may have noticed some differences to Fresh and Crispy since your last visit. The most significant is that my blogging platform is now Ghost rather than WordPress. I’m also now hosting my domain on DigitalOcean rather than CastIron coding. This means that I have my stuff on a complete virtual machine rather than space on a shared server. I’ll be gradually moving my other resources over to my new domain over the next few weeks....

December 8, 2014 · 1 min

DALMOOC architecture - Reflections after Two Weeks

My personal view after two weeks: edX – enrolment and discussion forum and the certification of learning via self-assessment (thanks to Matt Crosslin (@grandeped) for the clarification). Course content … seems to be hosted outside edX in a WordPress blog. Visual syllabus … not sure that it adds much but it looks nice. Dual layer MOOC – more confusing than helpful — at least at first. ProSolo – as the prime aggregator for the course it’s flawed; many of the daily digested materials are off-topic because it’s a contributor’s whole blog (and optionally comments) feed that is aggregated rather than posts tagged DALMOOC....

October 30, 2014 · 4 min