Moving day approaches

Just a quick post to remind you that Fresh and Crispy is moving to this self-hosted WordPress blog Fresh and Crispy II ( on Monday 28th February. Using the resources of Google, I’ve discovered a way to set up redirection so that regular visitors will hardly notice the move. (I’ll post a how-to after the move.) Discussions have also been redirected. However, if you are following me via RSS or Google Friend Connect you may have to make some adjustments....

February 26, 2011 · 1 min

The Future of HTML5 as Seen by Eric Schmidt

This statement from Eric Schmidt’s keynote at the Mobile World Congress 2011 as quoted by Charles Arthur in the Guardian Tech Blog as some key implications for the future of internet app development. He said some other things too, but this stood out for me. See this Amp at

February 17, 2011 · 1 min

Blog Migration

In my move from to this self-hosted WordPress there are a couple of things that I have had to do that I thought would be worth documenting. These fall into the general headings of Comments, Permalinks, Feeds, and Categories and Tags. Comments. I was using as my commenting system. There’s a WordPress plugin for this but to move the threads to the new blog I had to use the URL mapping method....

February 14, 2011 · 2 min

Welcome to my new home

I’m planning to move Fresh and Crispyy to this blog on the 1st March 2011. Consider this an early warning. Inspired by Jim Groom’s Digital Story Telling Course (DS106), I purchased this domain and it hosts my own WordPress blog. I’ve already exported my posts from and moved my discussion threads over. Now it only remains to cut the cord. Until the cut-off point, I’ll be blogging in both places in parallel....

February 11, 2011 · 1 min

Imported from Fresh and Crispy

I’ve just imported my posts from Fresh and Crispy on Blogspot using the WordPress Blogger blogs importer tool. Seems to have worked fine, but the comments in where not carried over. I wonder if i) can be used to manage comments in WordPress ii) If not, can comments be exported? In any case, I’m not yet ready to cut the cord! Answers i) Yes there’s a disqus plugin for wordpress and there’s a domain transfer tool....

February 11, 2011 · 1 min