366 Things and a Bad Joke

I’ve just started another 366 photos project and I’ve also got a “366 days of origami” calendar. In addition, Alan Levine and Jim Groom are about to launch a “Daily Create” project. I think it’s in testing (there’s a hint about it in Thinking in Photos on the CogDogBlog). In anticipation, here’s a video I made of one of my dad’s oldest and worse jokes: [youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iJzxa8MaSLc]If I manage to keep all these extra curricula balls in the air it should be a busy year!...

January 7, 2012 · 1 min

my bookmarks 01/07/2012

As it’s Friday, and it’s lunchtime, more Google fu As it’s Friday, and it’s lunchtime, more Google fun – here’s one i used to like: confidential “internal use only” filetype:pdf site:ac.uk - mik’s blog – Thoughts on Programming Education Out now: Joy of Code, Episode 4: Finally – some code! http://t.co/wdA0o1pa Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

January 7, 2012 · 1 min

2012: Year of Code?

Last October Aleks Krotoski, presenter of of The Guardian’s Tech Weekly podcast, chaired a series of special “Tech City” talks. The first of these was on Skills and Education (Audio recording here) and the panelists, which included David Willets, all criticised to current Schools ICT Curriculum by stating that it didn’t actually include any coding. This issue has been raised recently by many commentators but was highlighted by Google Chairman Eric Schmidt’s criticism of British Education at the MediaGuardian Edinburgh International Television Festival, and the fact that it was the “Google View” perhaps gave it more prominence than it would otherwise have had....

January 6, 2012 · 2 min

my bookmarks 01/06/2012

Why 3D TV Went From CES Darling to Consumer Reject | Gadget Lab | Wired.com It’s CES season, so of course we’re forced to talk about 3D TV. Again. Sigh … http://t.co/waviFU72 - Greenfoot An interesting experiment in a development tool for teaching Java programming. Aimed at Pre-University students and teachers it is similar in to Squeak and Logo in that it aims to “grab” interest by geting kids to program game-like simulations....

January 6, 2012 · 2 min

my bookmarks 12/22/2011

JavaScript Reference – MDN Definitive reference to the JavaScript language. Bookmark so you have somewhere to lookup the properties and methods of the JavaScript objects you are working with. Part of the Mozilla Developer Network, which is a useful resource in itself. The “learning” resources are worth a look. tags:javascript mozilla mdn reference resources eg-259 Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

December 22, 2011 · 1 min