You've been upgraded to the latest version of Ghost

You’ve just upgraded to the latest version of Ghost and we’ve made a few changes that you should probably know about! Woah, why does everything look different? After two years and hundreds of thousands of users, we learned a great deal about what was (and wasn’t) working in the old Ghost admin user interface. What you’re looking at is Ghost’s first major UI refresh, with a strong focus on being more usable and robust all round....

September 16, 2016 · 1 min

After the Conference

An important message in Sue Beckingham and Simon Lancaster’s pre-conference blog post the four dimensional conference: using social media at conferences, recently published by the Higher Education Academy (HEA), was the value of post-event interactions that can occur afterwards. Here is my story of the “after party” which I’ll add to over the next few weeks. View the story “HEA STEM Conference 2016 After Party” on Storify

January 31, 2016 · 1 min

HEA STEM Conference 2016 (Day 2)

Here’s the story of Day 2

January 31, 2016 · 1 min

HEA STEM Conference 2016

I attended the HEA STEM Conference in Nottingham last week and I am preparing records of the tweet stream using @storify. Here’s the first episode which covers the end of the joint #HEAchat and #LTHEchat on tweeting at conferences to the end of Day one on Thursday 28th January. Here’s the story of Day 1.

January 31, 2016 · 1 min

A Place to Practice and Reflect on BYOD4L

Cross posted from My Work Blog The fourth iteration of the short course Bring Your Own Devices for Learning (#BYOD4L) started today and as this will be my third iteration, I have decided to volunteer as a participant and mentor. The course is hosted on Wordpress at and it can also be followed by watching hashtag #byod4l on Twitter and other social networks. You can also contribute by joining the BYOD4Learning Community pages on Google+....

January 11, 2016 · 1 min