We've moved (again)

This blog was self-hosted on digital ocean until today. Unfortunately, issues with the database was preventing the blog appearing for some of my readers and I don’t have time at the moment to be a Sysadmin and trace the fault. Rebooting the server when I notice it’s down is not a solution either. So, I’ve forked out the £30 a year to have a site with a custom domain hosted on Wordpress....

November 30, 2016 · 1 min

Events Coming Up

There are some interesting events coming up over the next two months. In Swansea, the library team will again be running 7 Days of Twitter #SU7DoT. This time over the period 2nd-12th December. See the announcement and sign up here!. The team at Regent’s University London will again be running 12 Apps of Christmas (#12AoC) starting on 1st December on the Blackboard Open Learning Platform. They won’t be alone! The Association for Learning Technology will be running the third ALT Winter Conference (#altc) online from 6-8 December....

November 28, 2016 · 1 min

The Intelligent Campus

Today I had a short Twitter Conversation with James Clay which followed this tweet from JISC’s #codesign16 meeting: https://twitter.com/jamesclay/status/793745542572601344 I replied: https://twitter.com/cpjobling/status/793760715882500097 https://twitter.com/jamesclay/status/793762172715331584 https://twitter.com/cpjobling/status/793763365575389184 https://twitter.com/jamesclay/status/793765277976649728 https://twitter.com/cpjobling/status/793866758419537920 James has also blogged about this in I know Where You Are and is following up in this JISC blog post “What does the imminent arrival of the intelligent campus mean for you and your students.” What do you think? James has published more of the discussion of the intelligent campus from #codesign16 in this storyfy....

November 2, 2016 · 1 min

#FLble2: Blended Learning Essentials: Embedding Practice

I attended the first run of FutureLearn MOOC #FLble1 Blended Learning Essentials: Getting Started last year. Because of other commitments, I couldn’t take part in the first run of the second part #FLble2 Blended Learning Essentials: Embedding Practice but it looks like I have another chance in the re-run that starts 3 October. https://twitter.com/cpjobling/status/778548535130226688 Highly recommended! If you missed it, the team leaders Diana Laurillard and Neil Morris gave a talk on the Blended Learning Essentials courses on Future Learn at the 2016 Alt Conference....

September 21, 2016 · 1 min

Giving up the Ghost

Fresh and Crispy has been running as a self-hosted Ghost blog for a couple of years now but today I moved it back over to a self-hosted Wordpress blog. One of the main reasons for the move is that upgrading the Ghost software is a painfully slow manual process. Other reasons include my desire to try technologies like Mike Caulfield’s Wikity which needs a Wordpress multi-site and the sheer convenience of being able to blog from the Wordpress App....

September 18, 2016 · 1 min