#BYOD4L V - This Time it's Personal

Back in January for its fifth run is the excellent Bring Your Own Device for Learning (#BYOD4L) online CPD-fest. Covering the 5Cs, Connecting, Communicating, Curating, Collaborating and Creating, this “course” aims to share great ideas and build communities. Concentrating on portable educational technology that you can use with yourself, your colleagues and your students, you’re guaranteed to discover something that will enable you and them to be more effective. And at the same time you’ll find yourself becoming part of a growing community of like-minded souls....

December 9, 2016 · 1 min


The Learning Enhancement and Development team at City University London (@CityUniLEaD]) is publishing a learning enhancement and development suggestion every day up until Christmas using the twitter hashtag #eventcityunilead. https://twitter.com/CityUniLEaD/status/804032901348261888 Here they are, automatically updated as they are published: [twitter-timeline id=806119016851013633]

December 6, 2016 · 1 min

Blackboard Learn v BB Student App (1)

One of my first findings while looking at the first app of 12 apps for Christmas is that the content viewer in the BB Student App doesn’t display Blackboard Learn’s own content very well: https://twitter.com/cpjobling/status/804293517493338112 I wondered why so I did an experiment with Chrome for iPhone, and the content displays fine. https://twitter.com/cpjobling/status/804296889629872128 In a follow up to my tweets, Sue Tucker (@sueinasp) pointed out that even the basic rich text handling is inferior....

December 1, 2016 · 2 min

Some unexpected consequences

An unexpected consequence of moving from my self-hosted WordPress blog to WordPress.com was that my embedded Storifys stopped working, I lost some images, and several mysterious links to twitter javascript had appeared. A few minutes with the documentation confirmed what I guessed to be true that WordPress.com (for good security reasons) doesn’t allow arbitrary embedded HTML and JavaScripts to be included in posts and pages delivered from the hosted service....

December 1, 2016 · 2 min

12 Apps of Christmas (#RUL12AoC #12AoC)

It’s the first of December and in the Learning Technology world this means the launch of multiple open courses promising to introduce busy academics to 12 Apps of Christmas. I’m enrolled on the Regent’s University of London course which is being hosted on the Blackboard Open Courses platform. I’m recommending 12 Apps of Christmas to my colleagues for two reasons. Firstly because it provides useful introductions to mobile apps that they can use with students....

December 1, 2016 · 2 min