Drafts that will never get written

Inspired by friend and colleague Debbie Baff’s “Homeless blog posts”, I’ve just had a look at my own Wordpress draft posts folder. I clearly had things that I wanted to say 3 months ago and I had a critique of HEA fellowship (still not resolved) a month ago. I also haven’t posted anything that wasn’t a tweet since March 2. Perhaps we should all share our drafts (suitably redacted) from time to time, if only to spark us to get back on the blogging-bike....

April 20, 2017 · 1 min

#BYOD4L: What will your story be?

Cross-posted from the LTEC Blog. It’s new year. Winter seems to be coming. The students are busy. Time for some useful CPD? On Monday 16 January 2017, the five day short online course Bring Your Own Device for Learning (#BYOD4L) starts its fifth run. Structured around the five Cs: connecting, communicating, curating, collaborating and creating, this course aims to provide you with practical experience and ideas of how you and your students might exploit your mobile devices in your teaching to enhance your students’ learning....

January 13, 2017 · 2 min

My #BYOD4L Story (Part 1)

In advance of the fifth run of bring your own device for learning (#BYOD4L) and inspired by Sheila McNeil’s post “#BYOD4L A story of personal and professional needs and wants”, I thought that I too would reflect on my experience of my last three #BYOD4Ls. Looking back at my Twitter Archive, I find that my first #BYOD4L contribution was a retweet on 14th July 2014: https://twitter.com/cpjobling/status/488631919609790466 I’m struggling to find any blog posts from what was then the 2nd run of #BYOD4L (the first looks to have been in January 2014) so I probably only engaged via Twitter and Google+....

January 11, 2017 · 2 min

A magic minute? Reflections on a year of 1minuteCPD

Kate Soper reflects on her team’s year of introducing new ideas for technology enhanced learning 1 minute at a time. Source: A magic minute? Reflections on a year of 1minuteCPD

December 13, 2016 · 1 min

Alternative Virtual Learning Environment

My contribution to #101 Creative Ideas

December 9, 2016 · 1 min