How to archive your Storify stories on GitHub pages

Yesterday, Storify announced the retirement of its Storify service. This leaves a lot of users, including myself, with Storify stories linked into their blog sites and nowhere to host them when the service closes. Storify has provided an export feature, which can output a whole Storify store as a static HTML5 webpage, and GitHub provides a way to host static websites via its free GitHub pages feature. I, therefore, yesterday tweeted about a proof of concept trial:...

December 13, 2017 · 1 min

#ALTC Winter Conference - Day One

Today, was day one of the 2017 ALT Winter Conference (#altc) and I was supposed to chair the 10:00 am session “The Great Sussex Podblast” to have been delivered by Pete Sparx, George Robinson and Tab Betts from Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL) at the University of Sussex. Unfortunately, problems with the Conference Webcasting platform (Blackboard Collaborate Ultra) and it’s back up (Blackboard Collaborate Classic) meant that the session had to be cancelled....

December 12, 2017 · 2 min

#OpenEdMOOC Week 1

Though signed up to the EdX Course in good time, I’ve only just today, already half-way through week 2, gotten around to exploring the resources and activities for Week 1 of George Siemens’ and David Wiley’s (or is the attribution the other way round) open course on an Introduction to Open Education (hashtag #OpenEdMOOC). On first viewing, the structure is interesting. The course is available as an xMOOC (with the possibility of an optional certification) on the EdX platform....

October 10, 2017 · 2 min

Ada Lovelace Day 2017

Today is Ada Lovelace Day - an annual celebration of women in STEM. To mark the occasion I used Storify to make a personal curation of the tweets and blog posts that I liked on #AdaLovelaceDay 2017 (#ALD17)

October 10, 2017 · 1 min

QAA crack down on contract cheating

A big news story today was the QAA’s publication of advice for universities on how to combat contract cheating. I made a Twitter moment:

October 9, 2017 · 1 min