25 Years of Ed Tech

In honour of the silver jubilee of the Association for Learning Technology (ALT), ALT Conference 2018 Co-Chair Martin Weller has been compiling a personal history of the development of Educational Technology (Ed Tech) covering the years 1993 to the present. The final episode, 2018 Critical Ed Tech was published yesterday. Ranging from AI, through the web, eLearning, MOOCs, back to AI and on to blockchain – like Lasers in the 60s, surely a technology looking for an application – it’s an entertaining look at all the disrupting technologies that somehow failed to disrupt education....

August 17, 2018 · 1 min

OneNote with Marija

This just seen on Twitter. A great resource from @teachermarija on using OneNote and OneNote Class Notebook in the classroom distributed as a OneNote notebook. https://twitter.com/mtholfsen/status/1029902658134454272

August 17, 2018 · 1 min

Minisurvey on VLE use

Last month I started this sequence of posts on using OneNote Class Notebook as a VLE by posting a simple 3-question survey using Microsoft forms. There have been four submissions (one was mine), so please have a go if you want to improve these results. Here are the results. 1. Do you use a VLE? 100% of those who took the survey said yes! 2. What kinds of content do you deliver through your VLE?...

August 10, 2018 · 2 min

OneNote Class Notebook - Your Next VLE?

At last year’s SALT conference (#SUSALT17), I ran a session on using the OneNote Class Notebook (ONCN) with the same title as this post. The title, of course, was meant to be provocative, but having used the OneNote Class Notebook for three years now, I believe that it has great potential, is getting a lot of love from Microsoft, and deserves to be more widely known. In this series of posts, I will attempt to open up my 2017 talk to a wider audience and bring in a discussion of Teams for Education, demonstrate the new ONCN plugin for Blackboard, and showcase my own use of ONCN in teaching....

July 23, 2018 · 1 min

Summer To Do List

It’s graduation next week, the official end of the University year and the start of the summer battery recharge. Inspired by a comment from my friend and colleague Chris Hall made at yesterday’s #SUSALT18 Conference, I thought that it was time to reactivate my blog with a few thoughts on what I want to achieve over the summer. So here, in no particular order, are the things on my todo list....

July 19, 2018 · 2 min