Florence speech
https://flic.kr/p/Yrprxv I’ve been a teacher in engineering and technology for over 30 years. I love computing, coding, and ed tech. I spend hours on-line watching videos to increase my understanding of the technologies that I love. I love engaging with my personal learning networks, particularly #LTHEChat and #CreativeHE. I take part in MOOCs and am curious about teaching and learning and how to do it. I’m a course leader and want my students to have the best experience possible....
LTHEChat returned last night with a chat on Staff and Student “Digital” Development led by Simon Thompson (@digisim) supported by the new backroom team. There will be a Storify but I thought I would provide a personal curation of the key conversations that I engaged with or noticed during and after the chat. This is made easier by a Wordpress feature that converts the URL of a tweet into an embedded tweet....
My reciprocal post on Enthusiastic HE.
I’m going to say it: I hate maths. Well, not the sexy stuff that’s super interesting like zero, infinity, chaos, or probability but the easy stuff that ties your brain in knots when working in a shop - long division! (Still can’t do it…) Why do I hate maths? Many fears and dislikes are rooted in bad childhood experiences. My fear of maths is down to Mrs Nameless, who physically dragged me out of class on more than one occasion, calling me out in front of all my classmates and using my full name to boot - the horror!...