It’s graduation next week, the official end of the University year and the start of the summer battery recharge. Inspired by a comment from my friend and colleague Chris Hall made at yesterday’s #SUSALT18 Conference, I thought that it was time to reactivate my blog with a few thoughts on what I want to achieve over the summer.

So here, in no particular order, are the things on my todo list.

  • Annual module review of my own modules.
  • Final Board of Studies meeting
  • Away day for programme review (planning to use the ABC LD Toolkit 2018 from UCL)
  • Learn how to use the Rohde-Schwartz instrumentation in our labs
  • Play with National Instruments micro DAC
  • Produce a how-to for embedding OneNote class notebooks into Blackboard
  • Survey of my college’s Blackboard sites
  • Develop guidance for achieving the minimum standard
  • Help the University to define the data requirements for Annual Programme Review
  • Prepare my Senior Fellow HEA application
  • Train as an IET Accreditor
  • Properly flip my semester 2 courses.
  • Finish Laurillard’s Teaching as a Design Science and finally read Talbert’s book on Flipped Learning and Nilson’s on Specifications grading.
  • Continue to advocate for wider use of Microsoft Teams for Committees, Work Groups, Communities of Practice, Courses and Students within my University.
  • Go on holiday
  • ALT Conference

Some of these will be part of my CPD, some may be of interest to my readers. However, I make no promise that any will become the subject of a future blog post.

One reason that I haven’t felt the need to Blog for a while is that I have been keeping a (nearly daily) Journal in TiddlyWiki. It’s live, hosted in GitHub pages and reachable at