I’m sure I’ll not be the only one, but let me add my congratulations to Sir Tim and his wonderful, annoying, ubiquitous invention.
[Happy 20th Birthday, World Wide Web](http://janeknight.typepad.com/pick/2009/03/happy-20th-birthday-world-wide-web.html)
via [Jane’s E-Learning Pick of the Day](http://janeknight.typepad.com/pick/) by Jane Hart on 3/13/09
Scientific American has a great feature on Tim Berners Lee and the Web. The reason?
“CERN on March 13 celebrates the 20th anniversary of a proposal entitled, “Information Management: A Proposal,” by Tim Berners-Lee, which would become the blueprint for the World Wide Web”
Happy 20th Birthday, World Wide Web
[Via Richard Nantel on Workplace Learning Today – a great multi-author blog from the analysts at Brandon Hall]