
Today it was Easter Tuesday and we beat the weather and managed a stroll along the coastal path from Mumbles Pier to Langland Bay. Here’s a view along the path towards the coastguard station at Bracelet Bay. More photos on [Flickr](http://www.flickr.com/photos/cpjobling/sets/72157604243690444/).

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iwoods2807 - Nov 1, 2010

Love it!!

Not a day goes by where I don’t think … hey, where’s the “Learn This” button. The peril of being a futurist! Thanks for the comments!

Thanks for the link to Maria’s pre-print here, Chris. It started me on a journey that linked back to gaming. She references Seth Priebatsch’s Game Layer TED talk (http://www.ted.com/talks/seth_priebatsch_the_game_layer_on_top_of_the_world.html) I found a link in a recent comment there to a Game Mechanics Wiki that seems largely unfinished and very promising. http://gamification.org/wiki/Gamification_Encyclopedia

Thanks for the links, Jim!

No problem … I’m waiting for the learn this button myself now! In the meantime, I might start asking a few Socratic Questions in my courses!