If you want to share URLs with your students, tag your del.icio.us bookmarks with a module code. If you publish the link to the tag, your students will get up-to-date access to your links and it’s easy for you to add more. I find it much more more flexible and convenient than the External links feature in Blackboard! You can even create an RSS feed for your links!

Here’s one I made earlier: del.icio.us/cpjobling/eg-146.


Owain Harries - Feb 1, 2010

Hello! http://owfx999.blogspot.com/

Hello Owain.

Hello http://adel-uniquead.blogspot.com/ I am Adel Alfadhil .My student number is 466770 .

Hallo Adel

http://adel-uniquead.blogspot.com/ I am Adel Alfadhil .My student number is 466770 .

I have already said hello!


Hello Talal!

here’s my blog line http://SamanthaJayne.blogspot.com/

Selcuk Gorgulu Blogger URL : http://blauz.blogspot.com/ Custom blog, Wordpress URL : http://blauz.com/blog

Thanks for the link!

Hello sam! Nice blog!



Hi Darryl, Can you give a link to your blog?

Hi Steve!

hello http://darryllacey.blogspot.com/

Hi everybody This is my blog

Hi Everybody This is my blog